
股票怎么可以杠杆交易 【2025开年巨献——田银虎】世界艺术先锋文化贡献人物


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股票怎么可以杠杆交易 【2025开年巨献——田银虎】世界艺术先锋文化贡献人物

发布日期:2025-02-12 23:23    点击次数:193

股票怎么可以杠杆交易 【2025开年巨献——田银虎】世界艺术先锋文化贡献人物


2025 New Year's grand offering! Specially recommended world-class pioneers in the art world! Outstanding calligraphers and painters distinct contemporary style! Their works cover a wide range of styles and schools, from traditional to modern, from realistic to abstract, each piece reflects the artists' unique insights innovative spirit. They express their blessings and expectations for the new year with their brush and ink, and show the charm of traditional Chinese culture in a unique artistic form. continue promoting the prosperity of international culture, building a strong cultural country, and constructing the modern civilization of the Chinese nation on a new starting point is our new cultural mission the new era. We need to be confident in our culture, take on the mission, strive for progress, and work together to create a new culture belonging to our, build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and show world-class level art works, and promote world art pioneers and cultural contributors!


田银虎,男,1950 年生,现为:陕西省美术家协会会员,国家博物馆编委,将军画院理事,一带一路国家画院名誉主席,宝鸡市陈仓区美术家协会副主席。他自幼酷爱绘画。9 岁开始随西安美院教授冯有石弟子李鸿昌先生学习油画、水粉,后专攻中国画;1969 年在广西桂林部队做宣传工作;1970 年在湖南二炮七七五四部队一营二连搞绘画宣传工作;1972 年被部队保送到七七五四团部美术班培训;1973 年 3 月转业到陕西省宝鸡公路段工作。代表作品有:《秦岭金秋》 (1987 年陕西省职工绘画大赛二等奖)、《万山红遍》1996 年 8 月陕西省职工绘画大赛特等奖)、《太白金秋》2001 年在韩国展出,受到台湾顺道龙华旅游团的高度赞赏,并当场买画以作留念)、《二龙戏珠》在 1999 年陕西日报社成立六十周年《迈向新世界》大型刊物中多次发表)、《万山红遍层林尽染》于 2000 年 12 月中国美术家协会在郑州举办的中国画、书法精品大展中入选)、《富贵吉祥》于 2004 年 3 月在中国书画报多次发表)。

Tian Yinhu, male, born in 1950, is currently a member of the Shaanxi Province Fine Association, a member of the editorial board of the National Museum, a council member of the General's Painting Academy, the Honorary Chairman of the Belt and Road National Academy, and the Vice Chairman of the Baoji City Chencang District Fine Arts Association. He has been passionate about painting since childhood. At the age of9, he began to study oil painting and watercolor with Mr. Li Hongchang, a student of Professor Feng Youshi of the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts and later specialized in Chinese painting; in 1969, he worked in the propaganda department of the Guangxi Guilin military; in 197, he worked in the painting propaganda department of the Hunan Second Artillery 7754th Regiment, First Battalion, Second Company; in 192, he was sent to the 7754th Regiment Headquarters Art Class for training; in March 1973, he was transferred to the Bji Road Section of Shaanxi Province. Representative works include: "Qinling Golden Autumn" (Second Prize in the 1987 Shaanxi Staff Painting Competition), "Wan Shan Hong Bian" (Special Prize in the August 1996 Shaanxi Province Staff Painting Competition), "Tai Bai Autumn" (Exhibited in South Korea in 2001, highly praised by the Taiwan Shundao Longhua Travel Group, and the painting was purchased the spot as a souvenir), "Er Long Xizhu" (Published multiple times in the "Towards a New World" large-scale publication of the 60 anniversary of the founding of the Shaanxi Daily Newspaper in 1999), "Wan Shan Hong Bian Ceng Lin Jin Ran" (Selected in December 2000 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Fine Exhibition held by the Chinese Artists Association in Zhengzhou), "Fu Gui Xiang Rui" (Published times in the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper in March 2004).



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